Its been nearly 2 years since we were looking at display houses and we drove all the way to officer…
After a few hours of walking around in and out of display house after display house and feeling tired and overwhelmed we were ready to go home when we saw Premier builders the Camberwell …Liz and i looked at each other and said “ok this is the one” after a few minutes of walking inside we met you Wayne.
Even though it was nearly closing time time you made us feel so welcoming, asking us what we wanted and how you were going to help us,
After a few meetings you got to know us and what we wanted but we also got to know you and we feel like we got to know your family too.
Finally after 8 months of construction this week we got the keys to our new home!! The house looks wonderful.
Liz, Tim, Seb and i need to thank you for helping us get not only a new house but a home.
Your professionalism and willingness to help us get what we wanted is much appreciated.